

An advertorial is a marketing piece that reads like a magazine article and includes quotes from the businessowner/healthcare provider as well as from his or her customer or patient. An advertorial can be incorporated into any aspect of your online marketing and social media presence and is an ideal way to educate potential customers/patients about your products or services, your dedication to excellence, and the qualities that differentiate you from your competitors. The power of the advertorial lies in the testimony of a real customer or patient. This person relates how you and your products or services helped the individual meet a need, solve a problem, or overcome a challenge, thereby improving his or her life personally, professionally, or both.

The advertorial is my specialty. It's a powerful addition to your website, social media presence, newsletter, direct mail campaign, or customer/patient information packet. A standard advertorial includes up to 1,250 words (including a Call to Action, bio, and contact information), 1 businessowner/healthcare provider interview, and 1 customer/patient interview. A standard advertorial requires approximately 12 hours to complete.


Sample Advertorials

 Total Knee Arthroplasty

 Dental Implants


Advertorials Page Updated 12-4-20

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